Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost me up front?
This will depend on whether you decided to pay up-front or finance your project. If you finance your project, there is $0 down required and your monthly payments will start about 60 days after installation day. If you choose to pay upfront, we invoice based on an installement schedule in accordance with the progress of the project. The total cost of your project will depend on your roof type, system capacity, and equipment used. Contact us today for customized pricing and payment options.
In a lot of cases, our clients have the opportunity to get locked into monthly payments that are very similar to their pre-solar electricity bill payments. This is very favorable, as you would simply be swapping out your usual electricity bill with your monthly loan payment.
If I finance, how will my monthly payments compare to what I’m currently paying for electricity?
How do I qualify for the Federal 30% Tax Credit?
Most homeowners qualify for the federal 30% tax credit. In order to qualify, you must have federal tax liabilities. If your tax liabilities for the year you are claiming your solar tax credit are equal to or greater than 30% of your project total, you may claim the entire eligible tax credit for the same year in which your system is installed. In the event that your tax liabilities are less, the credits can roll over. Those who qualify can file for it by submitting IRS form 5695 come tax season. The current tax credit incentive is a noteworthy perk to going solar, on top of already saving on your electricity bills!
Financing can be a no-brainer in the sense that your utility bill will be replaced by a monthly loan payment that’s around the same and sometimes even less than the current monthly spend.Our financing loan terms have no prepayment penalty and your monthly loan payments can be reduced further during your loan term by applying a lump sum payment to refinance.
Is financing a good fit for me?
What areas do you service?
OneSun services the Los Angeles County and surrounding areas.
Most installations will take between 1-3 days. Your system size, roof type, and project complexity factor into this.